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TV third-graders learn kindness lesson

Lead Summary

The Lawler community, spearheaded by Verna Orvis, recently held a fund raiser to help defray medical expenses for lifelong Lawler resident, Larry Bergmann.The 61-year-old Bergmann is a 1973 graduate of Turkey Valley and was the first TV state wrestling champion in 1972 while wrestling at 119 pounds.Bergmann suffered a major heart attack 10 years ago which has limited his ability to work at his job at Kohlmeyer, Inc. of Lawler.  His heart function became so poor that a year ago he had a heart pump installed to buy him more time until he could receive a heart transplant.  In November 2016, Bergmann was fortunate enough to be a heart transplant recipient with his surgery being done at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic.He has returned home to recuperate and is doing well.  He makes regular trips to Iowa City to be tested for rejection and of course is on many medications.  As part of the fund-raising event to help defray some of Larry’s medical expenses, Turkey Valley third-grade teacher John Reicks purchased “Larry Bergmann’s Got a Good Heart” tee-shirts for EVERYONE in the grade.For the complete story see 3/7/2017 New Hampton Tribune.

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