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Supervisors mull over their medical examiner options

Lead Summary

With no set medical examiner investigator in the county and two medical examiner calls in 24 hours this past weekend, officials are asking the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors what their plan is.Supervisor Tim Zoll said he has been doing some reading from the Code of Iowa and was in contact with former Ambulance Service owner Jim Cook finding answers to this problem.Supervisor Jake Hackman received a letter from Mercy Medical Center-New Hampton Dr. Paul McQuillan about his concerns, as well as the other doctors’ concerns that was distributed and read by the rest of the supervisors before they were to meet with the doctors on Monday night.From the letter, Zoll said he felt the doctors were suggesting multiple medical examiner investigators be installed.For the complete story see the 4/7/2017 New Hampton Tribune.

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