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N-P students give back at blood drive

Lead Summary

The National Honor Society Students from Nashua-Plainfield held a blood drive this past week to “give back.”Caleb Winters and Dawson Schmitt, juniors, helped at the blood drive and also called donors to let them know about the blood drive at the high school. For both boys, this is their second year in the National Honor Society and they enjoy helping. Dawson said that giving blood is important. “Everyone that gives blood knows it will save someones life.”Nicole Harrington, Caleb Lines and Ashley Lamborn also helped with calls and worked the front desk at the drive. They all agreed that giving blood can make a difference in someone’s life.The blood drive was sponsored by the American Red Cross and the supervisor for this particular group, Amy Tate, was very happy with the turn out. “We usually get around 50 pints when we have a blood drive here at the high school. There were a lot of deferred donors today because of low iron.” Tate said they are always in need of blood. “It is a constant need. It’s estimated that 38 percent of the United States population can give blood yet only 10 percent actually do. Imagine if everyone that could give blood would give. We might not have a shortage.”For the complete story see the 5/4/2017 Nashua Reporter.

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