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Deputies involved in chase

Lead Summary

Two Chickasaw County sheriff’s vehicles suffered damage during a high-speed pursuit last Thursday morning that ended in southwest Winneshiek County.At least seven law-enforcement agencies took part in the chase that began when a West Union Police Department officer attempted to initiate a felony traffic stop on a vehicle driven by Zachary Willie, a 24-year-old resident of Randalia.Willie fled from the officer and led a growing group of officers on a chase that covered parts of northern Fayette County, eastern Chickasaw County and southern Winneshiek County.According to a press release from the Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Office, Willie rammed a patrol vehicle and attempted to ram several other patrol vehicles before being apprehended in a farm field.He was arrested and charged with four counts of felony assault on a peace officer, felony eluding, felony interference, felony criminal mischief, assault while participating in a felony and reckless driving.For the complete story see the 5/9/2017 New Hampton Tribune.

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