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Boosters set to make final fundraising push for soccer

It’s been almost two months since the School Board voted to add soccer as a sport at New Hampton, and the New Hampton Soccer Boosters are continuing to make strides in order to have the program instituted by next spring.
“We are gearing up to finish up our fundraising campaigning,” soccer booster Jenny Monteith said. “We’ll start coming out to businesses and individuals and asking for specific things like sponsoring of the nets, scoreboard, and start finalizing those projects.”
The boosters have also gained approval from the school to institute a sign at the soccer field that recognizes the sponsors who donate to this activity.
There has been $7,000 raised to this point for soccer. The boosters need to collect a total of $15,000 for the start up cost. Although they still have a long ways to go, they are confident in being able to gather these funds.
For more on this story see the March 12 Tribune.

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